Understanding 6G – What’s Next and Why it Matters for LEAs and Govt Agencies
Sponsored by: TeleStrategies' ISS World
Online webinar:
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
9:00-10:15 AM - New York, EST
14:00-15:15 - London Time
Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World
Free for Law Enforcement, the government intelligence community, private enterprise cyber security managers and ISS vendors. Pre-registration with your government or corporate issued email address is required.
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Understanding 6G – What’s Next and Why it Matters for LEAs and Govt Agencies
While the next generation of wireless standards (6G) will not officially release until at least 2030, early stages of R&D are already showing interesting use cases and scenarios the LEAs and national security agencies need to be thinking about, gaining an understand of.
This webinar will give a high-level look at the emerging 6G specification and the top 10 issues and considerations 6G networks and devices pose to investigators and analysts. Specific issues covered:
#1 |
Performance expectations/implications to LI platforms – throughput, density, latency, location, privacy.
#2 |
AI-optimized connectivity and compute, and what that means for innovative applications and criminal use.
#3 |
Key technology partnerships to watch and new entrants to mobile (e.g., Nvidia, OpenAI)
#4 |
Robotics and autonomous platforms – what new challenges might they pose?
#5 |
V2X connectivity and expectations – how will operators meet LI requirements?
#6 |
Private 6G – what might that look like for intercept?
#7 |
What will the devices of the future look like (e.g., glasses, headsets, implants), and what criminal use will that enable?
#8 |
New forms of communications (e.g., holographic and immersive AR), and what does intercept look like for those applications?
#9 |
New boundaries in cyber-security – what does quantum-safe connectivity and key distribution look like?
#10 |
Mesh-based connectivity and non-terrestrial connectivity – does that bypass LI and enable dark communications? |
Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World
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