Revolutionizing Investigations with AI-Driven Decision Intelligence

Sponsored by: TeleStrategies' ISS World

Online webinar:
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
9:00-10:00 AM - New York, EDT
14:00-15:00 - London Time

Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World (MODERATOR)
Alon Shamir, Cognyte

Free and Only for Law Enforcement and Government Interior Security and Defense. Pre-registration with your government issued email address is required.

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Revolutionizing Investigations with AI-Driven Decision Intelligence

The growing quantity, diversity, and siloed nature of data makes it increasingly difficult for law enforcement analysis and decision-makers to see the big picture, assess risks, conduct investigations, and mitigate threats. According to a survey of 200 chief investigators, 64% of organizations use 2 or more separate systems to analyze their data, and the top 2 capabilities that are currently missing from their investigation workflows are both related to AI and machine learning. 

In this session, we will present Cognyte’s decision intelligence approach for fusing and applying AI on data sources of all types to provide a rich, cohesive view, and accelerate data-backed decision making. We will illustrate how this framework can be applied for law enforcement use cases, and share an investigative case study. 

Session topics:

  • LEA data and investigation challenges  
  • The decision intelligence approach
  • AI-powered decision intelligence for LEA investigations
  • Case study: Accelerating an anti-corruption investigation
  • What to look for when choosing a decision intelligence platform

Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World (MODERATOR)
Alon Shamir, Cognyte

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