Attack Terrorism by Attacking the Money

Sponsored by: TeleStrategies' ISS World

Online webinar:
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
9:00-10:00 AM - New York, EDT
14:00-15:00 - London Time

Presented by:
Michael Loughnane, CFE, CAMS, IIC - Loughnane Associates, LLC

Free for Law Enforcement, the government intelligence community and ISS vendors. Pre-registration with your government or corporate issued email address is required.

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Attack Terrorism by Attacking the Money

“(W)ithout wealth there can be no jihad…Our enemies have realized that. Therefore, they are ‘following the money trail’ and are trying to dry up all the sources of funding ‘terrorism.’”

Anwar al Awlaki, a financier to the terror organization al-Qaeda, said that in 2010. Al Awlaki recognized then something that remains true today: terror organizations survive on their ability to generate money to pursue their ideological objectives. 

In this webinar, we will discuss the means of finance used by terror organizations such as Hamas and Hizballah. Mike Loughnane will discuss value transfer methods utilized by terror organization: 

  • Use of money from rogue states to terror organizations acting as proxies;
  • Means used for independent revenue generation by terror organizations, such as kidnapping for ransom, international narcotics sales, and fraud; 
  • Value transfer methods used by terror organizations and supporters through charities, cryptocurrency, and other means of money laundering; 
  • Counter-terror funding actions and red flags present in the financial and banking sectors intended to detect and deter terror organizations’ ability to gain funds.

Presented by:
Michael Loughnane, CFE, CAMS, IIC - Loughnane Associates, LLC

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