Leveraging Generative AI (ChatGPT and others) Systems for Law Enforcement Investigators, Intel Agencies and ISS Product Developers

Sponsored by: TeleStrategies' ISS World

Online webinar:
Tuesday December 5, 2023
9:00-10:00 AM - New York, EDT
14:00-15:00 - London Time

Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World

Free for Law Enforcement, the government intelligence community, private enterprise cyber security managers and ISS vendors. Pre-registration with your government or corporate issued email address is required.

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Leveraging Generative AI (ChatGPT and others) Systems for Law Enforcement Investigators, Intel Agencies and ISS Product Developers

In a few short years, generative AI (GAI) systems have completely revolutionized how computers process and manage information. Having been trained on just about all publicly available online information and proprietary data sources – the possibilities of GAI systems are endless. Silicon Valley is 24x7 cranking out innovative GAI platforms. It is their sole focus, as evidenced by daily technology and product announcements. 

Likewise, every enterprise is trying to figure out how they can leverage generative AI platforms to drive out costs and improve their business operations. Law enforcement and intel agencies are no different. Criminals and terrorists are trying too. The good news is that since our industry primarily deals with information – we are particularity well positioned to reap enormous benefits from generative AI.Criminals and terrorists will have a much harder time hiding and concealing their activities. 

This webinar addresses how generative AI is going to help law enforcement and the intelligence community; where the technology is finding itself into LEA/ISS tools; and possible criminal use of the technology. Specific topics include:

  • What are generative AI systems and large language models? How do they work? What are they good at? What are the limitations?
  • What are the key difference between traditional AI systems and generative AI platforms?
  • Who are the key generative AI players? What products do they offer?
  • How are the systems trained? 
  • What are the potential upsides and downsides of generative AI for LEAs and intel agencies?
  • What LLMs and generative AI specific models are being developed specifically for LEAs and intelligence agencies?
  • What are the deployment challenges? What needs to be in place for a GAI program to succeed?
  • Where is the technology heading? How are the platforms evolving? 
  • What to expect from a criminal use/misuse perspective (e.g., fake news, deepfakes, clutter generation)? What products and platforms are available to address this?

Presented by:
Matthew Lucas, PhD Computer Science - TeleStrategies ISS World

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